An Chéad Chéim (The First Step)
Easily made and the perfect refreshing drink for when those warm Irish days hit. Highlighting the subtle green apple notes of the whiskey and complimenting the spice notes of the infusion.
150 ml Apple Juice, Fresh Pressed
3 Dashes Cardamom Bitters
35 ml Jameson Crested x Devil’s Ladder
Ice Cubes
5 Parts Apple Juice, Fresh Pressed
3 Dashes Cardamom Bitters
1⅙ Parts Jameson Crested x Devil’s Ladder
Ice Cubes
How to make
Fill highball glass with ice.
Pour whiskey.
Add your apple juice.
Add 3 dashes of bitters.
Quick stir.
Garnish with apple fan or wedge, serve.
About this Cocktail
This cocktail is a very simple serve using only freshly squeezed apple juice and cardamom bitters. The First step on any journey is the most important. Using the juice also ensures a clear difference from our previous signature serves, which all use ginger, tonic or soda waters. Store bought cloudy apple juice works too ;)