Berry Berry High
Very very high(ball)… Get it?! This recipe is a great one to try for expanding your home-bartender skills. Cordials are simple to make and have a long shelf-life, giving you something new to brag about on your next zoom call (Take that sour-dough starter ;) It’s also a great drink to make in a pitcher to serve up at a garden party or barbeque.
50 ml Jameson Crested x Devil’s Ladder
35 ml Fresh Homemade Raspberry Cordial
Ice Cubes
20 ml Lemon Juice
35 ml Soda Water
1⅔ Parts Jameson Crested x Devil’s Ladder
1⅙ Parts Fresh Homemade Raspberry Cordial
Ice Cubes
⅔ Parts Lemon Juice
1⅙ Parts Soda Water
How to make
Make the berry cordial – go onnnn! Add 500g of mixed berries, 500g of sugar and 3 teaspoons of redwine vinegar to a pot. Mash over a low heat for 10 minutes until smooth and syrupy; Rub through a sieve into a clean pot. Tip what’s left in the sieve into a bowl, add 300ml of water and stir. Sieve again to remove the last of the pulp from any seeds. Pour this liquid into the pot with the syrup you originally strained. Add vanilla and cloves, stir well and bring to boil for 1 min then slowly simmer for another 5 minutes. Pour into sterilised bottle. Unopened bottles will have a few months shelf life, when opened keep in fridge.
Fill highball or collins glass with ice.
Add Whiskey, Cordial and Lemon juice.
Stir to blend, then add more ice and top with soda water, again giving a slight stir to ensure drink is nicely mixed.
Garnish with lemon oil and peel, then add a mixed berry skewer.
About this Cocktail
This recipe with home-made mixed berry cordial really brings out the sherry notes of Crested x Devil’s Ladder, and the rich berry notes and vanilla from the barrels. Using a small bit of citrus compliments the hoppy notes of the Ale.